Monday Blog Tips:  Writing


There are different types of writing styles.  With blogging writing, how you speak is more often than not better. Caveat, if you use profanity, incorrect words (two vs too), and talk above people – don’t.

Writing should be fun for bloggers.  Yes, for the most part you should structure sentences correctly and spell correctly, but don’t forget to write in the fun.

Why should you write how you speak, because blogging should be a conversation.  Remember it is not a lecture. It is not one sided.  Open up and let other speak (write).

People will listen or read when you relate and tell a story. 

There are things to worry about but writing should not be one of them. Don’t let someone else tell you how to write. 

Other tips on writing is to make your tone engaging, encouraging, approachable and personal.

To help you write better or different, read, study, and apply.  The more you do, the easier it becomes.


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