Monday Blog Tips:  Lists


It’s that time of the year where there are lists everywhere.  There are Christmas lists, birthday lists, cookie lists, present list, to do lists, and my favorite honey do lists.

Well now let’s add one more, a post list.  Do you have a list of posts that you have written or need to write?

Have you considered making that list?  What program or favorite notebook do you use?

I use OneNote, it’s a Microsoft product that comes will all Microsoft Office versions.  It’s a series of three ring binders with loose paper and tabs; yes, all virtual.

So, as you plan your cookies, shopping and holiday wrapping consider the list that will save you tons of time next year the Post List.

Just trivia, I have the dates that I want to post on, the name of the post, and a short description; that’s it – nothing much.  It keeps me organized.  I don’t always stick to it, but it guidelines to keep me moving.


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