Monday Blog Tips:  Risk

Risk is defined as exposure to danger, harm, or loss. In Blogging, there is risk, but different than you may think.

The risk you are taking is more vulnerability. Vulnerability is the quality of being easily hurt or attacked, like someone calling you names.

As you write you are opening yourself to personal attacks.  Please don’t let people get to you!

Being vulnerable also brings in more close connections and allows you to be relatable to your audience.

The risk you may be taking is in your content and images.  Don’t open yourself up to lawsuits for taking information such as words or images without following the guidelines.

What am I talking about?  Copywrite laws, they are out there and this is one risk you are putting yourself in risk of.

Don’t fret on the copywrite laws they are ambiguous and I prefer not to rant here and scare you.

BUT, where you are getting your information especially images – they have disclaimers.  Please read and follow.  I would also suggest to copy and file.

Remember when you copy and file, copy with the electronic date.  This will help protect you from the lawsuit.

Sorry, it was such a bummer of a topic.  In the new your we will strive to keep the topic livelier.


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