Monday Blog Tips: Short vs. Long Posts


Usually everyone has an opinion on this topic.  So, let’s look at it.  Short posts have their place, as you see; I write quick short post every Monday.  I consider them quick tips.  Why do I do this?  Because I personally will always read a short quick post. If it is too long, I might skim it.  But, I will evaluate if I really need to read this and then most of the time skip it. 

Long post are said to have more meaning, get ranked by Google, and is the only way to go if you want your site to generate money.  In the immortal words of Bill the Cat; PFFT! 

I’m not saying they don’t know what they are talking about, just … ( I will leave this there).

Ok, like I said there are opinions.  The fact is no one knows all the information Google uses to rank, search, or feed information the end user.  Therefore, write both.  I use short weekly post to give you a quick tip.  I use a long post to try to explain a larger concept.  It's your choice, it’s your blog.


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