Monday Blog Tips: Series


Have you ever thought about writing a series?  A series is a good way to keep people coming back or engaged.

One problem with series is that some people write a 12-week series.  I don’t know about you but I need to move along and not take three (3) months to complete a task that hopefully get me money.

This post will become part of a series in a way.  I plan to keep this a weekly “thing” series.  One twist will be that it will be random and different every week.

A series can also be any way you want.  I thought about writing a series that would come out three (3) time a day for a week. 

On one of my blogs I post a T-shirt a day.  That series is so much fun.  Okay, I take the weekends off so far but that may change.  I may add Saturday. 

I had a blog I followed years ago, which sent me an email a day in the morning about one (1) to three (3) geeky nerdy products or gadgets.  This was my highlight to my day.

What series are you going to write about?


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