Monday Blog Tips: Scanners


Growing up by father oversaw technology for the Fire and Ambulance in our town.  Every open plug was charging scanners and pagers.  Oh, they were all on and turned up.  Our neighbors knew what was going on.  Scanners, scan frequencies that was programed and would stop if someone was saying something. 

Scanners in reading scan the bullets, bold, and headers to see if there is anything they feel is important to stop and read.

Sorry to say this is me.  That is why I write short posts.  If you give more than 300 word, I’m scanning.  Sometimes known as skimming.

Okay, now if you do write a lot, I would encourage you to have breaks every two to three sentences, use headings, and bullets.  The scanners in your genera will love you!

Grammar police, sorry some rules go out the window.  You can write correctly or have more subscribers. 

As in anything I say or recommend there are always exceptions.  Scanners are not the exception, they are the rule. 

In today’s fast pace society with information overload, people don’t take the time to soak up your knowledge, they scan.  I prefer the way of the grammar police, but …


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