Monday Blog Tips: Niche


What’s your Niche?  Do you know it?  Do you own it (figuratively)? Do you express it?  Do you live it?

A niche is your section of the Blogosphere.  It’s your voice.  Have you thought of your niche?  I have and I’m here to help you continue.  In many ways that was my start, but continue what?  I want to help up continue to reach your blog goal, inspire you to continue, help organize so you can continue, and many other things.  I have trimmed down, because my ideas exploded. My niche became a plethora or randomness.

So, you have your niche.  Let’s take it one step farther.  What is your 30 second elevator speech about your blog?  Do you have one?  Have you considered making one?

A 30 second elevator speech is a short intro that you would say to someone who wanted to know what you did or what your blog was about.  Start today and consider making your 30-minute speech on what your blog is about cut down to half that.  Then work on making it shorter, sweeter, and making it POP!


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