Monday Blog Tips: Guest Post


Guest posting is one way to get your name and blog out to others.

Please read the rules set forth by each site because they are different.  Also, don’t make it about you… make the post about what they want.  This way it will get approved and they will ask you back.

Guest post can be free or paid. Whichever it is don’t link back (unless allowed), spam the blog, or not read the rules.

Look up the blog you want to post for and search for guest post guidelines.  Be thorough and follow the rules.  The bigger the blog the less lenient they will be.

Email the blog and pitch the idea not you. It’s not about you, it’s about their blog.  You’re asking for permission, but don’t be shy, be you.

If they want a post, try to include some post back to their other blogs or source links for their products.  This shows you know them and their blog.

You will be asked for a guest bio. This is where you can add back links to your website.  There are three (3) great perks from Guest Posting; Money (getting paid – sometimes), Networking with other professional bloggers, and followers (traffic to your site).

Follow you Guest Blog Post and respond to the comments.

Promote your Guest Post on your site.  This is an awesome way to network, generate traffic, and get noticed.


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