Monday Blog Tips:  Feature Others


The Monday Blog Tips are creative tip you can use or not. They are meant to help you jump start your week with some out of the box (sometimes in the box) help. 

Tips are suggestions – take them and use them or just move on.  I grew up with this from my parents.  I don’t get offended if they are not used.  They are not rules or laws.  Just some friendly help.

Featuring others might work for your blog.  I am sure in all the blog genres I can think of, featuring others once a week, month, or quarter will help.

Feature anyone: a child, an adult, a stylist, a business person, a firefighter or police woman, the President or El Presidente.  If your blog is about shoes, all of these people wear them and if not why. 

I suggest this because it is another great pool of topics to write about.  People love reading about people and how they may relate to that person.

Writing about people can bring in emotion to your blog.  Emotion can stir up conversation and be a connection. 


Check us out every Monday for a new Blog Tip!