Monday Blog Tips:  Chisel

egyptian hieroglyphs image

A chisel is a long-bladed hand tool with a beveled cutting edge. That is the tool. The verb chisel is to cut or shape OR it can mean cheat or swindle.

I would encourage you use this tool in the figurative sense. To cut or shape your blog.

As most start out with a niche, it probably was still a huge granite rock.

I use granite rock not clay because to mold your blog you will work hard, make hard decisions, and even break some stuff as you create a beautiful blog.

I would also like to offer that the alternate path will be seen in front of you.  You may be tempted to cheat or swindle.

This is the fork before you.  Choose wisely by following others whose character you respect. 

There are many people on the internet offering all types of advice.  Choose who you follow but chisel your own path.


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