Monday Blog Tip: Pinterest


Pinterest is an unbelievable search engine.  TRUE

Pinterest is for girls? NOT TRUE

Pinterest is dominated by Females? TRUE & NOT

Pinterest is not for me. NOT TRUE

Pinterest does have more female users, but almost 40% are male. Each year since 2013 the number of male users has doubled. 

Let’s look at a portion of psychology, specifically at the psychology of learning.  The topic is Visual Learning but that can be broken down into Graphic Visual Learning and Alphanumeric Visual Learning.

Graphic visual learning is learning though pictures.  Alphanumeric visual learning is learning though words and numbers.  Think about men.  Men like pictures and yes some like to read also, but almost all like pictures.

Pinterest is an incredible search engine that points the readers to a SOURCE!  So, if you are creative enough and pin correctly your image will be shared and blog post read.

Enjoy every Monday, Blog Tips!