3 Steps that will Get Your Blog Post a Thousand Views TODAY!


(1) Immediate Action or Response Title


Titles that stand out are one thing, and might have people read or come back and read.  The Titles that create urgency or curiosity are the post that poeple read NOW!   Yes, this gets over played but a title that does not have this urgency gets passed.  Remember when you were a kid and saw words like Wham, Bam, Crunch on the screen?  It made you jump.  Now, Today, or even Must will have people jump in to action.


(2) Content must have WIIFM



WIIFM = What's In It For Me!  I am sure you see the self centeredness of society.  If there is nothing in it for me, why read the post.  So, make it about what they will get out of it.  This post is on getting views and we all want more views.  But here, if you follow this simple formula YOU WILL GET a Thousand Views Today!

If your post is about relationships, money, or life; what's in it for me?  How will it change my BLANK?


(3) Desirable Image


For me this is the hardest.  Because what is desirable to you might not be to me.  But, it is easy to overcome.  Look at other images and see what they have done and mimic the style, substance, and vibe of the image.  Use Pixabay for royalty free images.

For me it is also about continuity, keep it this same.  This will help build brand, but will it get you a Thousand Views Today?  Try it!  It's called A/B Testing.  Make two images and post them with the same link.  See what does better!